Tower City Mall Cleveland Ohio
CLEVELAND, Ohio - A shooting near Public Square caused thousands of people jammed in Tower City Center to flee in panic Wednesday afternoon following a parade to celebrate the Cleveland Cavaliers' NBA championship.
Cleveland Police Chief Calvin Williams said a female was shot in the leg, a man was arrested and a weapon was recovered. He said there was not an active shooter at Tower City.
The mall was jammed with people resting after the parade and in a long serpentine line waiting to get into the Tower City rapid station. They scrambled at 5 p.m. after what proved to be false reports of an active shooter in the area. Many screamed, sprinted down corridors and up stairs yelling, "We have to get out!''
Several dozen people barricaded themselves in a shoe store, closed the door and latched it.
Police officers quickly directed people toward the exits commanding, "Get out!''
The food court was strewn with half-eaten meals, knocked over chairs and other debris.
Sirens went off inside Tower City. An announcement was made over a public address system at 5:32 p.m. saying, "There is an active shooting in Tower City, '' and requesting all inside to stay in place.
An all-clear was given about 40 minutes later.
Marcus Childress, a patron at JACK Casino, said there also was a panic inside the casino and patrons were told to leave.