RTA Cleveland bus
Paratransit fares will increase from the current $2.25 to $2.50, and then to $2.75 in 2017, $3.00 in 2018 and $3.25 in 2019. Three new Paratransit fare media categories – All-Day, 7-Day and Monthly - are being introduced.
Paratransit policies: ADA customers pay the Senior/Disabled cash fare of $1.25 when using fixed-route service. Personal Care Attendants (PCAs) will continue to ride free on Paratransit, but must pay the regular fare for fixed-route service.
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) was signed into law in 1990. It:
- Protects the rights of all people without regard to their physical and/or cognitive disabilities.
- States that all persons have a right to use available public transportation.
- Requires that those not able to independently ride public buses be provided with an equivalent, corresponding service for their transportation needs within the established service area.
This is called Paratransit. Paratransit service is provided to persons who, because of their disabilities, are unable to independently travel on the public transit system.
Each day, thousands of people choose RTA as a convenient, economical way to get around Greater Cleveland. Services for riders with disabilities include:
- RTA buses with the universal "wheelchair symbol" on the front, complete with wheelchair lifts or ramps to help people board buses safely and easily.
- A bus fleet that is totally accessible.
- ADA-accessible Rapid Transit stations, to help passengers safely ride RTA trains.
Are you eligible for ADA certification?
Service eligibility
Obtaining an application
Completing the application
Functional testing
Appealing the decision
Travel Training program
Benefits of travel training
Who is eligible?
What does travel training include?
Get started today
Getting started
Affordable fares
Arranging your travel
Calling to schedule a trip? Please remember:
Tips for smooth travel
Using fixed-route service
Paratransit service limits
How to cancel a trip
Visitors policy
Personal Care Attendants
Customer behavior policy
No-show policy
Late cancellation policy
Warning and suspension process
Appealing suspensions
Right to appeal
The appeals process
Questions about appeals
For more information
For an ADA application:
To schedule Paratransit service after you have received your ADA ID card: